MSN local helps the users to search the properties to buy or rent based on various areas. User can search the properties along with the various nearest facilities like amenities, transport links, schools, local information etc. The user search can be based on the postal code, postal sector, name of the place, county, borough etc.
User can view the searched results either in List results or Map results.
List Results
Map Results
MSN Local also provides various facilities to the users to see the various local information, amenities, and schools in that region. User has given all the facilities to see in the searched area. Searching the local business results over the map seems to be a very value facility provided by the MSN Local over the site.
Another interesting feature that MSN Local provides about the local information like crime, constituency details in the form of heat maps over the map.
Its seems to be developed by keeping in mind each and every thing that a user nowadays looking online.
User is also see the route information between two locations in UK, which gives them very valuable information to visit any location by finding their ways from source to destination by choosing various modes of search like by walk or driving along with the distance factors like quickest and shortest etc. on MSN Local.
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